
Palliative care represents a significant part of the activity of inpatient institutions. They are therefore fully invested in the development of the national plan for palliative care and end-of-life support. Participation is focused on training and mobilization. "The largest hospice unit (USP) in France is the HAD," says Vincent Morel, chairman of the steering committee of the national plan 2015-2018 for the development of palliative care and end-of-life support. of life. He was invited by the National Federation of Inpatient Hospitals (FNEHAD) to illuminate the place of the HAD in this plan at the Paris Healthcare Week. Palliative care is one of the main modes of care in HAD, with one in three patients taking care of it. "In proportion, activity is decreasing, but what we call palliative care is not always a reflection of the activity," says Élisabeth Hubert, President of Fnehad, who advances the palliative approach And tariff coding issues as an explanation. Because of this important HAD activity in palliative care at home or in medico-social housing, she is fully interested in the four axes of the national plan. "The HAD is concerned directly or indirectly by all the actions of the plan", assures Vincent Morel. The ministry's end-of-life communication campaign, which is at the heart of the first axis on patient information, is a success and wishes to reiterate it. Healthcare professionals are at the forefront of providing information about advance directives or the trusted person, especially when they are working at home. Forming and being trained In the eyes of Vincent Morel, the high share of palliative care activity induces a specific training for professionals, the second axis of the plan. But, the structures also have to be training centers. "In the reform of the third cycle, I propose a mixed internship in USP and HAD interns," he said. The training of future general practitioners in this framework will thus promote future cooperation. The chairman of the steering committee also wants to develop ambulatory research, not to mention the dissemination of good practices. "Let's be simple and pragmatic," he summarizes by offering an effective call from the attending physician when the patient returns home. The fourth axis of the plan is that of regional declination. A declination that is financed only according to a global policy, not by line as is traditionally the case in national plans. The third axis of the plan, namely the development of proximity care, obviously affects the activity of the HAD. Rather than focusing on a quantified goal, Vincent Morel focuses on mobilizing human resources. Tariff levers are also discussed, concerning the care of patients with a neurodegenerative disease in a situation of great dependence in particular or on the lifting of restrictions of cooperation between HAD and home nursing services (Ssiad). "If this technical act is not carried out, I will consider that the plan is a failure," explains Vincent Morel. "An obstacle of another time" for Élisabeth Hubert. The president of Fnehad regrets that "trench wars" persist in some places. She spoke of the need to continue the communication work on the activities of the HAD, notably on its capacity to ensure complex care to enable it to live its end of life at home. "We have demonstrated that we can deploy hospital-based care at home, but we still have too many late requests for care of patients who either died or were too severe to be [accompanied]," -she. In his opinion, this issue constitutes a "margin to be conquered". Jérôme Robillard
HAD, SSIAD, SPASAD ... What is behind these acronyms? For 3 days, experts advise you on these modes of care more and more common and the solutions that favor the home stay of a sick relative or loss of autonomy.
This year, Paris Healthcare Week will be held from 16 to 28 May in Paris, Porte de Versailles. This event, which gathered more than 25,000 visitors for its previous edition, is today a must-see event for professionals and healthcare professionals. FNEHAD is organizing the second edition of the day of hospitalization at home on 17 May. We invite you to come to this day to participate in the various agoras and animations that will be organized. Registration is free but compulsory.
The EEHU is collaborating on a research project entitled "The hospital as a living environment". The project is carried out by the LACHT (Laboratoire Conception - Histoire - Territoire) of the ENSAPL (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture et de Lille) and directed by Catherine Grout, professor of aesthetics and researcher at LACHT. The LAVUE (Laboratoire architecture urbaine urbaine) also participates. In this context, the EEHU organized a first seminar session on Tuesday 15 March 2016 entitled "Maintaining hospitality from the hospital to the home in a situation of great vulnerability". A second session on the same theme will be organized on May 9, 2017 from 2 pm to 5 pm During these sessions, health professionals share their testimonies, their experiences of this space of care, but also, the experiences of teams, patients and their families. Objective of the session: to identify the links between proven space and relationships (within the team, with the patients, with the institution ...). Method: Starting from feeling space to think and rethink space. The combination of notions of hospitality and vulnerability brings us back to the reasons for action and the ability to act for all the actors involved in the hospital. Hospitality is understood as an open concept of welcome and care for the other. Vulnerability refers to the need to be cared for, to remedy suffering, to be able to regain one's body and social body. The hospital is seen as an environment both from and with the people who occupy it (health professionals, patients, and accompanying persons): a milieu of care, work and life - an environment that is part of A continuity of the hospital at home.
In 2016, the "Hôpitaux de France" (FHF) labels and competitions "Rights of users" organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health are renewed, in view of the success of the approach, which is very strongly relayed to With regional health agencies (ARS) and specialized user rights committees of the regional health and self-government conferences (RAHCs). Instruction and specifications 2016 incorporate new orientations such as the promotion of users' rights in the health care path, based in particular on the reports of the User Rights Committee of the National Health Conference (CNS) . They will be broadcast this year for the first time to the regional directors of youth, sports and social cohesion (DRJSCS), thus enacting the enlargement to the medico-social and social sector.
The Federation of Private Employers of France (Fepem), in partnership with the Fédération mandataires and the Assembly of French Departments, organizes an afternoon on February 22 in the Senate on the theme "Aging well at home, individual perspectives and challenges Collective ". The ambition of this event is to: promote the results of the 2013-2016 convention which has launched the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA) and Fepem, in partnership with the Fédération mandataires and Iperia l'Institut; Enhancing the "mandatory mode" in home support, a privileged mode for securing and facilitating employment between individuals; Placing the mandatory mode at the heart of the stakes of information and accompaniment of the elderly or frail, prevention and care at home of loss of autonomy, illness and disability. • February 22, 2017 • Palace of Luxembourg 26 rue de Vaugirard 75006
The collective Patients, columns and partners (Ica) has just published a new guide aimed at the chronic sick people and aimed at their caregivers. The latter aims to be a collection of information and raising awareness of the patients to their fitness trails. A way according to Muriel Londres, coordinator of the collective Ica, to find itself better in the health system, but also to emphasize the expertise and the rights of the people, so that they made use. Download the guide on: /
The symposium will be held on March 2 and 3, 2017, at the Palais des Congres, in conjunction with Québec researchers and practitioners on the practice of intervention and prevention of exhaustion for loved ones with a vulnerable person in their environment. Saint Malo. The main objectives of this meeting: To highlight innovative approaches and services developed by researchers and practitioners working with caregivers in Quebec. Exchanges and transfer of knowledge between Québec and France in the field of near-aid. Creation of links and further collaboration France / Québec
FROM INTERVENTION TO THE HOME TO THE ACCOMPANYING OF "THE BEING IN HIS SELF"? 13, 14 and 15 JUNE 2017 The ATRIA NÎMES In recent decades, the evolution of demands and needs, but also the strong impulse of public policies, have established the home as the privileged place of social intervention. Thus, a very varied range of services has been gradually structured: Social Life Support Services, Medico-Social Support Services for Disabled Adults, Home Help and Support Services, Nursing Services Homecare, Hospitalization at Home ... So many nomenclatures and various missions that come to mean the complexity and the stakes around the home. To speak of the domicile is to speak at the same time of house, flat, housing, place of life, habitat, shelter, nest, refuge, home ... Terms that seem to describe a Reality of the most banal, that of occupying a space. In the face of this lexical field in which each word seems to be synonymous, inhabiting it covers singular meanings in which a material dimension (the building itself) crosses, a psychic dimension (shelter, refuge, the idea of Protection) and finally a social dimension (bringing recognition to society). As Sociologist Bonetti (1994) points out, "every individual is confronted with a multitude of spaces, each with its own particular functions and meanings. From then on, each one of us is situated at the intersection of these spaces that must be articulated and held together by trying as much as possible not to "bump" (Pérec 1974). Spaces where the work is out of sight, in a form of unique colloquium where confidence holds an important place. Hidden work, therefore, in a context that, nevertheless, demands to be evaluated. The people we accompany welcome nurses, social workers, auxiliaries of life, judicial agents, physiotherapists and many others ... The home, a melting pot of multidisciplinary work, is the meeting place for multiple professionals at missions Different crossing on the threshold, dotted border with the outside. This rich pluridisciplinarity generates trouble for many actors and people followed: "You are like the services at home, what do you do here if it is not for the household or the meal? This gentleman already has an auxiliary of life, what is the use of the educator ...? ˮ Also disturbing to external observers: how to account for this work, make it legible and apprehensible, while taking into account the evolution of the modalities of housing (boarding house, collocation)? How does the difficulty of cohabiting our specificities and building coherence influence the accompaniment today? Beyond the access to or maintenance in, beyond the intervention, it seems fundamental to us to question what can be the notion of accompaniment to the home; What can be meant by the encounter in this private space or towards the construction of an intimate space, the affirmation of a singularity and the acceptance of oneself in order to go to the other. Does not the purpose of home coaching aim at social integration?
Published on 30/01/17 - 17h46 - HOSPIMEDIA The National Union of Approved Health System Users Associations will be the privileged interlocutor of the public authorities, as evidenced by the missions entrusted to it by decree. Its organization will be conventional, with a general assembly and a board of directors, and will be based on the principle of one vote per association. Created by Article 1 of the modernization law of our healthcare system, the National Union of Approved Health System Users Associations (Unaass) takes shape through a decree published in the January 26 edition of the Journal official. This text details the four tasks entrusted to this new representative body of users and its functioning. Unaass thus has a national headquarters and territorial delegations, namely the regional unions of approved associations of the health system. The latter are authorized to set up local branches "when territorial specificities justify it". A charter of values ​​will be drafted Approved associations may "freely" adhere to Unaass. The participation of those who are not approved will depend on the statutes and the rules of procedure which will be adopted later. A general assembly brings together all the approved associations. They are 146 - and 358 at the regional level - according to a question from the deputy Christine Pires-Beaune (SER, Puy-de-Dôme) posed on 1 November. This general assembly will operate on the principle of one vote per association. It is responsible for appointing a board of directors, which will elect the board. The same principles govern regional unions. The President of Unaass shall appoint a Director General, after advice from the Bureau, whose role shall be specified in the future Unaass Statutes. As for the board of directors, it will prepare the annual budget and the strategy of animation of the network that it will propose to the general assembly. The latter will also adopt the charter of values ​​of Unaass, which a committee of ethics will draft. Missions Unaass intends to be the interlocutor of the public authorities, in accordance with the tasks entrusted to it by this decree. First of all, it is empowered to propose representatives of users "to the councils, assemblies and bodies for which a representation is legally set within them". The regional unions are also involved in "hospital and public health authorities at the regional and departmental levels". The decree provides that the statutes and regulations of Unaass define the procedure and the charter of the representative. The main task of national unity is to advise on national health policy and to draw up proposals. This task is the responsibility of the board of directors or, as part of the emergency procedure, it is the responsibility of the board. The regional unions have the same role with the general directors of the ARS. The other main axis of work of the Unaass is to animate the network thanks to an animation strategy. This activity takes the form of support or documentation provided to member associations. A part of information to the general public and organization of debates is also part of its prerogatives. The training of the representatives of the member associations and of those who make up the territorial delegations is also provided by Unaass. Lastly, the last mission entrusted to the national union concerns justice. Besides the possibility of carrying out group actions, it ensures "a mission of support and legal expertise" within its network.
On 26 January, FNEHAD won an award at the Health Communication Festival in the "Public Health" category for its "Hospitalized at Home" campaign. Perspectives on hospitalization at home ". FNEHAD, through six portraits of patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals, carried out at the Paris Healthcare Week 2016, wished to give the floor to the actors of hospitalization at home, who live and Make possible daily by fixing a moment, but also by transmitting their history. Beyond the care given to the patients, links are created between the caregiver, his entourage and the various participants in the hospitalization at home. It is these stories of life, these testimonies that FNEHAD wanted to transcribe and share.
"Relations with users and modernization of the State.: towards a generalization of digital public services", requested by the Committee for the Evaluation and Control of Public Policies of the National Assembly in accordance with Article 132-5 of the Code of Financial jurisdictions. On the one hand, digital public services do not seem to play a leading role in modernizing the state and its relationship with users, who do not make digital access their preferred mode of access, even when there is a supply . On the other hand, the administration has not drawn all the lessons and benefits of the development of online services: the organization of services has not been reformed in depth and the productivity gains remain below their potential. However, the Court considers that the conditions are met for making digital public services a real lever for transforming the State and for digital the common method of access to administrative procedures, within the framework of a progressive and adapted approach To the public. The Court makes 15 recommendations to enable citizens to access all public services on a single platform, with a single identifier, to make appointments online, to complete and transmit forms, to follow up their files, to carry out telepayments. Successful modernization involves ensuring adequate support for users and increasing confidence in digital services through adequate security measures.
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